Guest Northern Highlight - UCLan Publishing Bookshop
Guest Northern Highlight UCLAN Publishing Bookshop Can you tell us more about the new UCLAN Publishing Bookshop, and the reasons why you decided to set it up? We set the bookshop up to showcase the Publishing House within the university. We want to make staff and students more aware of what the Publishing House to offer, and to highlight the many books our own students have worked on. What does a typical work day look like at the bookshop and what is the most rewarding part of the job? Well Charlotte and I both are based within the bookshop, we manage the shop and the publishing house at the same time so it's always busy. The most rewarding part of the job is recommending books and having happy customers leave the shop with a fantastic new read. We also had a visit from the UCLan Pre School a few weeks ago. Author Jake Hope, and illustrator Genevieve Aspinall came and hosted a special story time based on their book Cheesed Off! ...