Special Guest Northern Highlight - Orange Beak
SPECIAL GUEST NORTHERN HIGHLIGHT MAISIE PARADISE SHEARRING (MPS) AND NESS WOOD (NW) ORANGE BEAK STUDIO Why did you want to work in the book industry? I have always loved books and I always wanted to be a designer, even though I thought that was someone who created record covers. From studying Graphic Design at college, I got an interview at Collins Publishers (as it was then). I was very excited. I told the small agency I was working for that my auntie was very ill so they would give me the day off and I would get paid for it... I didn’t have an unwell auntie in London! I got the job. NW I was very fortunate to be brought up in a home filled with books. My mum is devoted to reading, and passionate about stories, and she passed on that love of books to me. I loved drawing when I was growing up, but I never considered being an illustrator as I had never really thought of it as a job. When I was studying on my art foundation at Hull College, my tutors encouraged me to apply to ...